A Japanese oiltanker operated by a British company owned by an Israeli businessman came under attack in the Gulf of Oman. The attack that killed two was conducted by an Iranian drone, officials say.

Another oil tanker was attacked in the Gulf of Oman on Thursday. The tanker M/T Mercer Street came reportedly under attack in the Gulf of Oman. The Japanese ship is operated by the Britain-based ship company Zodiac Maritime which is owned by Israeli businessman Eyal Ofer.

At the time of the attack, the ship was travelling from Tansania’s Dar Es Selaam to UAE’s Fujairah, Zodiac Maritime said. The attack off the coast of Oman resulted in the death of two crew members – the Romanian captain and a British security guard, according to Israeli officials.

Following the incident, the ship was escorted to a safe location by US naval ships deployed in the region, including the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier.

In the past, pro-Iranian militias and the Revolutionary Guards of Iran have attacked especially Israeli-owned vessels in the Gulf of Persia and Gulf of Oman. Statements from both US and Israeli officials reveal that in the case of the M/T Mercer Street the attack was again conducted by Iran.

A US official pointed out that a suicide drone had been used in the attack against the M/T Mercer Street. Israeli official confirmed this, saying that an Iranian drone had conducted the attack in which “innocent people died” and revealing even more details regarding the attack.

Speaking to the New York Times, Israeli officials said that the attack was conducted by several Iranian kamikaze drones that crashed into the living quarters, also warning that the timing of the attack shows that Iran was expanding the scope of its maritime operations.

Following the attack on the M/T Mercer Street, the Israeli Defence Minister Gantz hold a situational assessment meeting with the Israeli Chief of Staff Kochavi as Foreign Minister Yair Lapid called for a „harsh response“. Media reports pointed out that Israel considers the incident a „serious terrorist attack“.

Meanwhile the Arab Coalition announced that it thwarted another attempt by Iranian-backed militias to attack a Saudi commercial vessel.

– EHA News –